Tomb Raider 1 and Unfinished Business for Windows Vista/7/8
32/64 bit setup using Dosbox - version 1.7.1 - August
26, 2014

TR1/UB for Vista/7/8 32/64 bit Setup v1.7.1 is a simple
way to Play Tomb Raider 1 and Tomb Raider Unfinished
Business on Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8,
32 and 64 bit versions
It contains a full image of the TR1 cdrom.
Its aim is to provide a completely unattended install
procedure to get to total automation of game setup and
launch, letting users only concentrate on game play.
This package installs both TR1 and TRUB files and complete
setups, and also Dosbox 0.73 with Glide patch and Directx9
update, already set and configured to play on Windows
Vista/7/8 straight out of the box.
It includes a complete working cdrom image of the original
TR1 cdrom too.
Owners of a Sold Out copy of TR1 this way shall be able
to hear the music from the pc cdrom soundtracks again,
which Sold Out version is missing.
Due to legal considerations, the presence of the original
TR1 cdrom is still required to play, through a double
cdrom check, but no accesses get done to the drive,
as all files are loaded from cd image copied on hard
disk. This way, speed and cdrom longevity are enhanced
as the game engine doesn't need to read cd contents
Self-detects correct cdrom drive letter.
Latest improvements:
- Inclusion of optional setup of JoyToKey v5.6, a
keyboard emulator for joysticks [v. 1.7.1]
- Fix for compatibility with all the latest editions
and repackaging redistributions of the Tomb Raider
1 cdrom available on the market, such as Superbundle,
Gog and Steam packages: all these would go otherwise
unrecognized thus causing prior installer versions
to crash [v. 1.7]
- Inclusion of optional nGlide wrapper v1.03 setup
[v. 1.7]
- Inclusion of complete set of PlayStation audio tracks
and customized tomb.exe by KMO [v. 1.6]
- Cdaudio playing routine revamping, via recompilation
of dosbox.exe. Bugfix for possible depth buffer artifacts
affecting some Intel graphics cards via updated glide2x.dll
build by gulikoza [v. 1.5]
- Maintenance release, customized setup bitmaps [v.
1.4.2] & Maintenance release, customized setup bitmaps,
no disc image [v.]
- Maintenance release [v. 1.4.1]
- Full support for 64bit versions of Windows Vista
and Windows 7 [v. 1.4]
- Optimization of the glide file set arrangement [v.
- Dosbox and glide patch version update to 0.73 [v.
- Self-dectection of processor architecture (32 vs.
64 bit) [v. 1.3]
- Fix: possible freeze issues with some TR1 cdrom
layouts (32 and 64 bit) [v. 1.2]
- Fix: performance hits and lockups at onset of gameplay:
new game vs. load game stage (32 and 64 bit) [v. 1.2]
Reference thread at tombraiderforums.com: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=145350.
System Requirements
Windows Vista, 7 or 8.
At least 636.9 MB of free disk space.
Installation Guide
You only have to run the program. It has been designed
as a self-extracting installer tool to make all the
procedure as user-friendly as can be.
Once the game is installed, you will find shortcuts
on your Start menu to play.
Useful Hints:
All new saves you're going to make will be found in c:\tombraider,
not in c:\tombraid, and conversely if you want to load
your old savegames, all you need do is copy your saves
first in Windows explorer to c:\tombraider, in order to
be able to load them.
CTRL-F5 takes a screenshot, which will be saved in PNG
format in the "capture" folder inside the game
installation folder.
Tomb Raider does not use the mouse, but if you accidentally
click on the window and the cursor is "captured"
by the program, you can release it pressing CTRL-F10.
For more information please read the readme.txt file
in the c:\tombraider folder.
Legal notice
TR1 & UB Vista/7/8 x32/64 installer © 2009-2014 by
Please note that this installer is supplied without
warranty of any kind and you use it at your own risk.
Any trademarks mentioned here are the property of their
owners. To the author's knowledge no trademark or patent
infringement exists in this document. Any such infringement
is purely unintentional.
Tomb Raider is property of
© 1996 Core Design Limited/Eidos Interactive. All
rights reserved.
Core Design's original Tomb Raider game, plus the Unfinished
Business addon levels, are repackaged to run under Windows
Vista/7 32/64 bit.
This installer incorporates:
- Tomb Raider (3DFX version)
- Tomb Raider Unfinished Business (3DFX version)
- Microsoft Direct3D 9 redistributable.
Setup is a freeware installer for Windows programs.
DOSBox v. 0.73, a DOS emulator, is available from http://www.dosbox.com/
under the GNU GPL license.
The Glide patch by gulikoza is available from http://www.si-gamer.net/gulikoza/