Equipment DDS 54 = Binoculars Main 55 = Binoculars Rims (eye pieces) 1043 - 1046 = Binoculars BUT i dont think you need to change these (i didn't have too) Change if DDS 54 and 55 dont work. 71 = Grapple 83 = Grapple 922 = Grapple The two grapple files are the same so you only need to edit one and save it with the differen't file names. 278 = Pistols 298 = Pistols 320 = Pistols 342 = Pistols 363 = Pistols 967 = Pistols All the pistol files are the same so you only need to edit one and save it with the differen't file names. NOTE: Once changed you may find the file is too big. You need to have Mip Maps generated otehrwise the texture can only be seen up close so change it so 8 or something. 135 = PSL off 136 = PSL on