Level 5: Offshore Rig - Screenshots for the room with walkways and pool

First go to the left to reach the end of the walkway. Turn right and take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and head to the end of the ledge.

Again, take a running jump to grab the square ledge next to the column, which is a bit to the left. Pull up and jump to the square ledge on the right (between the column and the wall). If you take a look behind the corner, you will see a thug on the ledge beyond. Kill him and take a running jump to the ledge he was standing. Pick up his Shotgun (loaded with two Shells).

There is another thug beyond that may have noticed you. If he has not, shoot him to wake him up. He will start moving around and show himself to the right and left side of the column. Start shooting when Lara points at him and kill him from here. Once you are done, take a running jump to the ledge he was standing and pickup his Shotgun Shells.

Yet another thug is standing on the ledge at the far side. Yes, you can kill him from here. Once you are done, take a running jump to the next ledge and head to the end (notice the opening above? You will return in order to exit). For now take a running jump to the next ledge and finally a standing jump to the ledge where the last guy is. Shoot the window and pick up the Green Pass Card from the alcove. Then drop back down.

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