Tomb Raider 3 Expansion (Gold): The Lost Artifact Walkthrough & Game Guide

Level 5: It's a Madhouse! - Taking a Shortcut from the area of the 1st Secret (by Nicky)

You can get down to the beach now and take a shortcut route to the end of the level. You will be able to explore a couple of areas backwards, but you will miss one Secret, a few pick-ups and kills. Note that you will be able to get to the 3rd Secret of the level (although you will do it backwards too). So you can try this shortcut path for fun, as a challenge.

Pull the switch behind the statue and once you get at the ledge where the MP5 clips are, turn around so that the beach is to your back. Stand just where the rightmost set of clips is. This is the exact position that will help you succeed in your next movement, so make sure Lara is standing exactly as in the screenshot. You should be facing the clock tower opposite you now.

Make sure Lara's health is enough (100% is suggested but not absolutely necessary), as you will lose some of it with your next movement.

Press the Down direction arrow to make Lara hop back and drop off the ledge. Let her make a free fall by the sloped rock just below the ledge and immediately after this, press Action (you must not press Action sooner than that, because if you do Lara will grab the edge of the sloped rock, and we do not want that). Lara will not grab anything, but this way you make her shorten her arc a bit and land on another sloped ledge further down, closer to the beach (this is where she will lose some health). From there, you will see her sliding safely to the beach. Voila!

Now there are a few things you can do. First of all, you can kill any mutant lizard that appears and scan the shore for pick-ups. Secondly, locate a big opening on the left wall. This is from where you would come to the beach if you followed the level the conventional way. So jump up in that opening and climb up the tall step ahead. Go left and left again (where there is a Rocket) and jump over the gap. From where the Flares are, jump over one more gap and enter the passage below the opened trapdoor (it should be opened if you threw the switch behind the statue). You will hear the Secret chimes as you approach. Climb up from the left side and find yourself in a small courtyard below another Joan of Arc Statue. This is where the fun ends, though, as you cannot proceed any further from here. So go back down the cave and make your way to the end of the level, grabbing any pickups that you did not grab in your way in.


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We would like to thank Nicky for her help. Many parts of this walkthrough would not have been written without her participation.

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