Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft Walkthrough & Game Guide

NEVADA: Nevada Desert - Screenshots for the 2nd Secret

Turn right and take a running jump to the triangular ledge (1). Carefully walk to the front corner and take a standing jump to grab the block ahead (2). Pull up and kill the vulture that flies from above. Take a running jump to the next ledge below (3) and...

... head to the end. Climb on the low block, then on the next one. Turn around and take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge. Pick up the Uzi Clips and take a running jump back to the previous ledge.

Notice the climbable wall on the other side (the black markings). Take a running jump to grab the wall and start climbing down. When you reach the crevice, let Lara hang from the bottom part, release Action and press is again to grab the wall beneath the crevice. Keep climbing down and do the same thing for the next crevice.

Make sure that Lara's hands are at the edge of the crevice. Climb to the right and when Lara is not able to continue more (half of her body will be in front of the markings and the other half beneath the crawlspace), release Action and...

... press it again to grab the edge so that Lara is hanging with her hands (as shown in the screenshot). Now shimmy to the right and pull up. Drop down at the other side and pick up the Desert Eagle and MP5 Clips. Climb on the block and drop into the water.

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