Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft Walkthrough & Game Guide
INDIA: The River Ganges
Note about the statistics (CONTAINS SPOILERS) - The level offers two possible routes. You reach a point, where you need to choose a path - the right one via the ruins and the left one above the river. The two paths are eventually joined and you continue until you end the level (there is only one ending). The statistics above show the maximum amount of kills and pick-ups if you choose the either left or right path, plus the ones you score before choosing the path and those after the point where the two paths join. The total Secrets are 5, but you miss one if you follow the path via the ruins. Note that you need at lest 59 Secrets in order to access the Bonus level. If you have chosen the path via the ruins and you are ready to end the level, make sure to check the Coastal Village walkthrough and get the "extra" Secret.
(Note about the cobras - You will encounter cobras in this level too. You can kill them with your Pistols, so as to save the ammo of more powerful weapons. As soon as they are triggered, start shooting at them whilst jumping backwards. Their poison cannot get you if you are shooting from a distance.) 1st Secret - As soon as the level begins, turn around (yes, ignore the quad bike for now) and head to the other side of the river, passing the exit of the Temple. There is a ladder you can climb down close to the greenish hill . Turn to face the quad bike and drop backwards to grab the ledge. Climb down the ladder and then to the left. Drop to the greenish ledge. You must be very careful whilst jumping to the various ledges here. If you drop into the water, the current will drag you and the piranhas will kill you. The PC players may want to save frequently. The PS players should consider doing that since they need the Crystals. Whilst reading this walkthrough, follow the instructions carefully in order to perform the jumps successfully. Turn around and walk to the edge of the greenish ledge. Walk up to the front right corner and turn right 45 degrees. Tap back once and perform a running jump to the next rocky ledge. The next jump is quite tricky. Walk up to the edge and side step to the left corner. Take a running jump and grab the opposite ledge (if you attempt to jump from the middle or right hand side, Lara will not make it). Pull up and turn left. Take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Turn right, stand in the front right corner and take a running jump to the L shaped ledge. Walk to the other side and take a standing jump to the next ledge, jumping from the left hand side. Lara will bump her head on the low ceiling and land on the ledge (if you press Action, Lara will grab the ledge, so you will need to pull up). Take a diagonal running jump to the ledge on the left and turn right. Finally, take another running jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Enter the Secret room on the right hand side. You need to jump over three angled blocks in order to pass the spikes between them and finally land on the upper ledge. The angled block on the left is the one you can start from. Stand against it and jump up to the grab the back edge. Pull up. Lara will start sliding, so press the Jump button to land on the second angled block. Keep pressing the Jump button and Lara will land on the third angled block. Do not let go of Jump and Lara will jump towards a flat ledge. Press Action to grab it and pull up. (You may be able to land directly on the flat ledge, but press Action to grab the ledge, just in case). Pick up the Shotgun Shells from the ledge behind and jump to the ledge ahead to get the Large Medi Pack and the Crystal. Hang from the edge and drop to the ground. Your way back - You need to make your way back where you started the level the same way you came. So, exit and turn left. Take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. If you are having troubles and you just keep falling in the river instead of grabbing that ledge, side-step to the very right side of the first ledge's edge, angle Lara very slightly to the left to face the opposite ledge and make a successful running jump with grab towards it. Take another running jump to the ledge on the left hand side and a standing jump towards the L shaped ledge, jumping from the right side. Walk to the other side and take a running jump to the opposite ledge. Turn left and take another running jump to grab the next ledge, jumping from the right hand side. Pull up and turn right. Take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Finally, take a running jump towards the greenish ledge. Grab the ladder and climb to the right, then to the top. Getting the quad bike - Go to the other side, passing once again in front of the exit of the Temple, and head to the quad bike. Before getting it, notice the crawlspace above. Pull into and get the MP5 Clips and Flares. Crawl back out and get the bike (check at the bottom of page for the controls of the bike). Ride to the other side, where the greenish hill is. You need to ride over this hill and jump into the cave on the other side. You may need to use the extra boost in order to clear the big gap. Once inside the cave, follow the tunnel being careful not to fall into the first deep pit. 2nd Secret - When you reach the second deep pit, dismount. Hang from the edge of the pit and climb down the ladder. Pick up the Shotgun Shells, the Large Medi Pack and the Flares. Climb back up. Get the bike and jump over the pit. Follow the tunnel and drive up the ramp on the left. Jump the first gap to land on the upper ramp. There is another ledge with a closed gold gate beyond. Jump the bike onto this ledge and dismount. Ignore the gold gate and drop to the ground. Then climb once again to the upper ramp, but this time on foot. Notice the opening on the left hand side of the ramp? Take a running jump to grab it and pull up. Draw your weapons and kill the cobra that is lurking around the corner. Follow the passage and climb on the ledge. Crawl to the other side and climb the next block. The hole in the floor beyond leads you back to the closed gate, where you left the quad bike. For now jump over it, kill the cobra on the right and pick up the Small Medi Pack next to it. At the end of the passage, hang from the edge of the opening in the floor and drop down. Push the button to open the gold gate and kill the two monkeys that are coming from behind you. Get the bike and drive through the gate. Carefully drive down the ramps, dismount and get the Crystal. Choice of paths\ SPOILERS - Here you need to choose your path. The steps on the right hand side lead to a river. The quad bike will help you to jump over it and land on the other side. If you follow this path, you will explore the ruins but you will miss one Secret (the 3rd one). The tunnel on the left hand side leads above the river, the path that will give you all Secrets. Make your choice and follow the Common Route below. Note, however, that if you chose the right path through the ruins, you will not be able to explore the left path and you will miss all the pick-ups and kills. But if you choose the left path, you will be able to explore the right one in reverse (by performing a tricky jump) and get all the pick-ups and kills. In both ways, you reach a waterfall area, but you enter from a different way. This part of the walkthrough has been covered differently in order to avoid a possible confusion. Left path\ above the river (All Secrets) - Drive through the tunnel on the left and up the ramp. Jump over the deep pit, jumping from the right hand side. Stick to the right to avoid falling into the next deep pit. As the tunnel turns to the right, you can pass the hole from the either left or right hand side. Continue to the opening on the left that leads you outside the cave. Carefully ride down onto the stone bridge and dismount. Jump to the ledge on the right and pick up the Desert Eagle Clips. 3rd Secret - Notice the crawlspace above on the right? Pull into and crawl to the other side. Pick up the Harpoons, the Uzi Clips and the Crystal. Crawl back out and jump onto the stone bridge. Get the bike, jump over the gap and enter the cave on the right. On the junction go to the left until you reach a rocky ramp alongside the left wall. Dismount at the bottom of the ramp and run forwards, passing from the right hand side of the ramp. The first opening on the right leads back to the junction. So, continue forwards and turn right as the passage goes. You will meet a tree as you go. Jump over its roots to the other side and take a running jump to grab the opposite rock ledge. Pull up and pick up the Uzi Clips. Kill the two vultures and return back to the bike the same way you came. Mount the bike and drive up the ramp. Carefully turn around the corners sticking to the wall on the left to avoid falling down. When you reach the first small gap, drive backwards to stand in the corner facing the gap. Use the extra boost to jump over the small gap and keep driving to jump over the bigger one above the river. If you hesitate and stop even for a bit, you will not make it across. Dismount and get the Crystal. Grab the ladder, climb to the left, then down. Drop onto the ledge on the right and kill the cobra in the dark cave. As soon as the cobra is triggered and wakes, immediately back-flip on the ledge and shoot it from there. Its poison will not get you. Pick up the Desert Eagle Clips and climb back up. Get the bike, drive close to the ladder and jump over the gap to land on the other side. Dismount and slide down the ramp on the left hand side to drop onto the rocky block below. Two vultures attack, so take care of them. You can get down with the quad bike if you like, but then you will have to climb the blocks on the right (assuming you are facing the ramp) to get to the first rocky block. On the other hand, if you go down with the bike, dismount below the rocks and you will be able to locate the vultures as they begin to attack you. That way you can kill them at your ease. 4th Secret - From the rocky block at the bottom of the ramp, turn having the ramp to your back and take a standing jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up and head forwards. Jump to the rock outcropping and go to the other side (see this screenshot). Take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Walk to the end of the ledge and notice the ledge with the greenish opening ahead. Take a running jump to the angled block on the left of the ledge, pressing Action to grab the edge. Shimmy to the right and pull up (see this screenshot). Crawl through the opening and get the Desert Eagle Clips and the Small Medi Pack. Crawl back out. After exiting, turn right and take a running jump to the angled block on the right hand side. Keep pressing the Jump button to land to the opposite ledge. Take another jump to grab the ledge in front of the rock outcropping and pull up. Go through the rocks and jump on the right hand ledge. From there, carefully make your way down to the ground. Enter the cave, kill the two monkeys that are coming towards you and get the Crystal (you can enter this area on your quad bike, so as to run over the monkeys and save ammo - skip to the Common Route below). (Note - At this point you can perform a tricky jump and explore the ruins (the other part you left) in order to get all the pick-ups and kills. Make sure that you save your game in a different slot in case you cannot come back. If you are interested to explore this part, see this page which provides two alternative methods.) Right path\ through the ruins - Get the bike and drive down the rocky steps on the right hand side. Jump over the river (you may need to use the turbo) and dismount. Kill the monkey that is coming towards you before it grabs the Small Medi Pack in front of the opening in the ground. Otherwise you will need to follow the monkey through the opening. For now, leave the quad bike and proceed on foot. Drop through the opening and follow the cave that turns left. Go up the hill and ignore the crawlspace on the right. Turn around and kill the monkey that is running towards you from behind. Then take a standing jump over the slope. Kill another monkey that appears from the left hand ledge and a third monkey that attacks from ahead. From the top of the slope, climb onto the ledge on the left where the second monkey appeared and go through the vine-covered opening (this screenshot shows the opening). Carefully drop down on the other side and kill the cobra. Crawl through the opening on the right and get the Gate Key #1. Make your way back through the vine covered opening. There is another opening on the left, opposite the slope you came from. Go through it, get the Flares and the Uzi Clips and return back. The wide opening leads to a double closed gate, so slide down the slope (from where you came) and crawl through the opening you ignored before (that it should be on your left now). Drop down on the other side and enter the hallway. Kill the monkey that comes from the windowsill and pick up the Small Medi Pack it was carrying. You may need to search up on the windowsill in case you shot the monkey very quickly and it dropped down before grabbing the Medi Pack. Continue through the hallway and pick up the Shotgun Shells from the alcove on the left. Turn around and kill another monkey that is running from behind. Follow the hallway killing a third monkey on your way. The ledges alongside the opening at the end of the hallway have two keyholes and this means that you need two keys in order to proceed. You have found the first one, so continue through the opening that leads to a dead end with an opening in the ceiling. Climb through it to exit. Area with swamp - Climb onto the greenish ledge on the left and kill the monkey that is coming towards you. You can see the Crystal on the rock ledge up to the left, but be careful because this area is surrounded by swamp. A second monkey climbs down from the ledge with the Crystal, so take care of it. To get the Crystal, jump over the swamp and onto the angled block, climb onto the greenish blocks at the end, then up to the Crystal. Carefully drop down and go towards where you entered this area. There are two double closed gates. Assuming you have the opening from where you came to the back of you, the left hand one leads you back where you got the first Gate Key and the one on the right leads you to the next area. Locate the flat ledge that is on the left of the left closed gate and climb onto it. Turn left to face the green wall, stand in the back left corner of the ledge, turn 45 degrees to the left and take a standing jump to grab the green wall (see this screenshot). Pull up, turn left and take a running jump to the branch, then a standing jump to the wall outcropping that leads you to the next area. Area with big tree in the middle - You can see the monkey on the ledge at the far left. Kill it from here if you want and jump onto the green branch ahead, then jump onto the branch on the left. Before stepping on the ledge where the monkey was, turn left and take a running jump to grab the edge of the alcove (next to the wall outcropping you came from). Pull up and head to the end. Take a diagonal running jump to the next ledge that its end is lower (see this screenshot for the last couple of jumps). Pick up the Shotgun Shells at the end and make your way back to the last tree branch the same way you came (some people have mentioned that they can grab the lower part of the ledge from the ground, but this was impossible for us). Now step on the ledge where the monkey was. Go through the opening to enter the building and ignore the hole in the floor. Head to the left going through the opening and killing two monkeys as you go. Continue to the left around the corner, but before getting the pick-ups, turn around and kill two more monkeys that are coming from behind. Now pick up the Gate Key #2, the Uzi Clips and the Rocket. Return back and drop through the hole in the floor, being careful not to be toasted by the fire breathing statue. Kill the monkey and follow the hallway to the other side, killing a second monkey as you go. There is a closed gate on the left hand side, almost at the end of the hallway. This gate opens by pushing the button on the ledge at the very end. The button also opens one of the two double gates back where you got the Crystal. Kill the monkey that appears from nowhere. Go through the gate and kill three more monkeys (!!!) - two from the right and one from ahead. (How cruel!!) The double gate you just opened is to the right and around the corner. You cannot return back through the gate, because the swamp prevents you from doing that. You need to return back through the wall outcropping you came from. So, as soon as you exit, climb onto the lower green ledge on the other side (behind the tree), then to the upper green ledge, and finally to the wall outcropping. Safely drop to the ground and drop through the opening from where you entered this area. Using the Keys\ getting the bike again - Climb onto the ledges and use the two keys to open the second double gate. Cross the hallway and return back to the cave through the crawlspace. Now you need to get the bike. If you did not do it before (after jumping over the river) drive the bike through the hole. Follow the cave and drive up the slope. Go through the opening on the right hand side and through the gate, turning left to reach the ramp. Drive up the ramp and jump over the swamp (use the turbo if you need it). After passing through the second gate, cut to the right and drive behind the tree. Follow the passage and turn right driving through the opening. The two still monkeys start moving when you get off the bike. There is no reason to do that, just run over them. Dismount and approach the tree roots. Jump onto the extended part that is above the water (the middle of the three ledges around the tree). Turn left and take a running jump to the green ledge ahead (see this screenshot). From here, turn right and take a running jump to grab the middle bottom part of the tree roots (you may not be able to grab the left or right triangular part or at least you need to try a lot). Shimmy to the right and pull up. Jump onto the ledge on the right and pick up the Harpoons and Uzi Clips. Go to the end of this ledge (just next to the pick-ups) and take a running jump to grab the triangular ledge of the tree you started from before (see this screenshot). Try to grab the right hand side. If you grab the left side, Lara may not make it and she will fall in the river. Pull up and jump onto the next ledge on the right. From here jump where the bike is. Mount the bike. You need to jump over the river and land into the opposite cave. Do this, run over the monkey and dismount. Get the Crystal and head to left to exit the cave. Kill a second monkey that climbs down the rocks out there. [Note about the Secrets - You are about to get one of the level's Secrets. Since you have followed the path through the ruins, you have missed one Secret. This was supposed to be the 4th Secret if you had followed the path above the river, but this will be your 3rd one. Note though that there is an extra Secret in one of the next levels (Coastal Village), so you can make it up.] 3rd Secret - Go towards the rocks on the left hand side of the area and climb up the rocky blocks on the right. When you reach the block at the bottom of the ramp, turn around and take a standing jump to grab the upper ledge. Draw your weapons and be alerted for the two vultures that are flying from behind you. Kill them and head to the end of the ledge. Jump to the rock outcropping and go to the other side (see this screenshot). Take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge and pull up. Walk to the end of the ledge and notice the ledge with the greenish opening ahead. Take a running jump to the angled block on the left of the ledge, pressing Action to grab the edge. Shimmy to the right and pull up (see this screenshot). Crawl through the opening and get the Desert Eagle Clips and the Small Medi Pack. Crawl back out. After exiting, turn right and take a running jump to the angled block on the right. Keep pressing the Jump button in order to land to the opposite ledge. Take another jump to grab the ledge in front of the rock outcropping and pull up. Go through the rocks and jump on the right hand ledge. From there, carefully make your way down to the ground. Enter the cave again (continue with the Common Route below). Common Route\ waterfall area - Follow the left opening of the cave (assuming you face the wall where the Crystal was) and climb onto the rocky ledge next to the waterfall. Go to the end, being careful of the slides, and take a running jump to the next ledge on the left. Draw your weapons and kill the three vultures that attack. Walk to the end and take a standing jump to the next small ledge ahead. Hang from the edge and drop to the ledge below. Pick up the Harpoons and the MP5 Clips. Then turn around. 5th Secret - Notice the crevice on the opposite wall (as shown in this screenshot). Take a running jump to grab the crevice and shimmy to the right. Pull up where the ceiling is higher and crawl into the cave. Pick up the Harpoons, the Shotgun Shells and the Crystal. Crawl back out and drop into the water below. Notice the broken raft at the bottom of the pool. Tony was here. Get the Small Medi Pack close where you drop into and climb out of the water. Go through the waterfall and climb up the blocks. Follow the passage, drop down and head forward to end the level. Controls of the quad bike - To ride the bike, stand in front of it and press Action. To move forwards press Action. To move backwards press the Jump button. To dismount press the Roll button along with the left or right direction key. For an extra boost, stay still and press the Sprint button, which is the break. Keep pressing the break and press Action to rev the engine. Then release the break and go.
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We would like to thank Nicky for her help. Many parts of this walkthrough would not have been written without her participation. | ||
Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft Walkthrough & Game Guide © 2000-2007 |