Level 32: The Great Pyramid

Head up the ramp and follow the hallway. Climb through the opening at the end and pick up the Small Medipack and Shotgun Normal ammo from the two corners of the room. Go through the opening and shoot the planks of wood. When you step outside, the dramatic music is the cue for a ninja to attack you from the right. If you do not want to lose health or you are low in ammo, step on the square in front of the planks in order to trigger the ninja. Return to the room behind and shoot the planks from inside. To kill the ninja, side jump to the left and right in front of the opening and shoot him with the Pistols. He will not follow you inside.

Approach the deep pit. Beyond it you can see another ninja lurking menacingly on patrol, but he has not noticed you yet. Draw your Pistols and shoot him. Lara will not automatically aim at him, but you can see the blood popping out. Finally he falls. Walk to the horizontal edge of the pit and take a running jump to the ledge on the left (southwest). Run behind the support columns of the door on the right just as another ninja starts shooting at you from the opposite side (north). If you wait for a while he will stop shooting, giving you the opportunity to step outside and return his fire.

Kick the door open and be on red alert for a ninja and a giant wasp that are both waiting for you inside. We suggest you to take them down one by one. When you open the door, draw your weapons but do not yet go in. Kill the ninja from outside, side jumping to the left for every so often for cover (NOT to the right or you will fall into the pit). If you do not kill the ninja quickly he will holster the gun and come outside with a sword. Step inside after he is dead and take care of the wasp.

Secret (1-1\ total: 68-70) - Walk to the center of the room. If you light a Flare or use the Binoculars, you will see a trapdoor on the floor. Stand at the outer rim of the trapdoor facing west (having the entrance to the back of you) and press Action. Lara will open the trapdoor. Turn around and drop backwards to grab the edge. Climb down the ladder and pick up the Grenade Gun (ammo if you already have it) at the end of the tunnel. Then climb back up.

Shoot the wooden planks at the other side (north), and if you did not kill the ninja from across the pit before, do it now. If you have already killed that ninja with an explosive weapon from the other side, the bars will have exploded together with him. Kick the next door open; a ninja is lurking inside. Depending on the time you waste before opening the door, the ninja may be in front of you or to the left. If you do not want to lose a lot of health, jump backwards after opening the door and side-jump to the right. Wait for the ninja to holster the gun and equip the sword (less scope for Lara to suffer damage). Inside you can see a trapdoor that contains a deep pit with nothing in it, so do not bother even flipping the thing open. Do however open the door on the northeast wall and follow the passage beyond it and left.

At last! The Great Pyramid! For now, shoot the wooden planks and kill the two giant wasps inside. Pick up the Grenadegun Normal ammo and Uzi ammo from two corners of the room. Open the trapdoor and drop through it to get a Large Medipack. Climb back up and exit the room. Go towards The Great Pyramid.

A cut scene shows a panoramic view of the pyramid.

If you were paying very astute attention you might have noticed some flat ledges on the pyramid.

Climbing up and down the pyramid - You need to reach the bottom left hand side of the pyramid (west). The route to get there, though, is longer than it looks, as you need to go to the right side, then up, then down again (did you say something?). The following procedure is shown in these screenshots.

Approach the pit and stand on the extended ledge. Take a running jump across the pit to land on the opposite ledge at the bottom of the pyramid. Turn left and step on the sand, but do not slide down. Walk to the edge of the slope and take some steps to the right to reach the sandy slope. Turn slightly right to aim the front of your body at the bottom right corner of the ledge ahead. Tap back once and take a running jump without pressing Action to land on it.

Walk to the edge facing west and take a diagonal running jump to the next upper ledge of the pyramid on the right. Then turn right (north) and climb onto the next ledge.

[An alternative route - After jumping across the pit, step on the sand to the left (west) and slide down to the ledge below. Keep facing west and take a running jump to grab the opposite ledge. Pull up and step on the ledge ahead. Turn right (north), climb onto the next ledge, and kill the giant wasp that attacks you from above. Climb up the next two ledges. If you are having troubles with the wasp, kill it before it even flies down to reach you. Jump over the pit to the ledge at the bottom of the pyramid, turn left, slide down and take a running jump to grab the ledge ahead, and pull up. Do not go any further. Turn right and face uphill and northeast. Equip the Revolver or the Crossbow combined with the LaserSight and look through the scope. You will see the giant wasp lurking on a higher ledge. Its red eyes will be glowing, so you cannot miss it. One explosive arrow or a couple of revolver bullets are enough to kill it.]

Turn right (east) and take a running jump over the slope. You land on the first square of a double-flat ledge. Do not move! A boulder is in now in the process of bouncing its way down the side of the pyramid close to where you are, passing over the second square of the double ledge you are standing. Assuming you manage to avoid it and do not have to re-load your game, walk forward (east) and take a standing jump over the slope.

Again, take a standing jump over the next slope to land on the first square of the double-flat ledge. Once again, do not move from where you are because another boulder has been triggered, passing over the second square of the double ledge you are standing on. Walk forwards and turn left (north) to climb onto the next upper ledge of the pyramid. Turn right (east) and jump over the next two slopes.

Keep going east and take a running jump to land on the third square of the slope. You will start sliding down and finally land on a flat ledge at the bottom of the pyramid. A boulder has already started falling down. If you slid forward, you can drop onto the block below. If you slid backwards you can step forward and crouch, then drop onto the block below. If you angle Lara downwards (southeast) and take a running jump towards the slide, she will slide a bit and land on the flat ledge without triggering the boulder!!

Turn to face south (towards the pit) and take a running jump to grab the opposite block. Pull up and turn left (east). Kill the giant wasp that is waiting on the next ledge and take a running jump to land on this ledge (where the wasp was). Turn left and take a running jump to grab the lower rock ahead. You need to be careful because the rock is a bit to the right, which means that you need to stand Lara on the front right corner of the ledge before performing the jump. Once you grab the rock, pull up and climb onto the rocky block ahead.

Step on the sandy slope on the right and climb onto the next upper ledge of the pyramid. Immediately drop backwards onto the sandy slope to avoid the boulder that is falling. Climb onto the ledge again and turn right. Take a diagonal standing jump towards the Large Medipack and pick it up. Then jump to the previous ledge.

Turn to face northwest and take a diagonal standing jump onto the next upper ledge of the pyramid (do not press Action). Do the same thing to land on the next upper ledge of the pyramid. Turn left (west) and jump over the slope to land on the flat ledge of the same tier.

Kill the giant wasp from here or jump back to the previous ledge and take care of it from there. Turn right (north), step on the next ledge and climb onto the next one (the ledge you are standing is a three square ledge). Turn right (east) and jump over the next two slopes. When you land on the second flat ledge, crouch to avoid the boulder that is falling. Turn left (north) and climb onto the next upper ledge.

Climb onto the next ledge and walk to the left (west). Kill the two giant wasps that are waiting on the next ledge and climb onto this one (where the two wasps were). Walk to the end (west).

Take a running jump to land on the third square of the slope. You will start sliding and finally land on a flat ledge two squares below.

Turn to face west and take a running jump over the slope to land on the next flat ledge. Kill the giant wasp that appears and take a standing jump over the next slope to the west. If you are having troubles killing that wasp, take a running jump back to the ledge you came from and kill it from there.

[Note - From the ledge where the wasp appeared you could climb onto the next upper ledge (north), then climb onto the next ledge and perform a running jump over a slope on the left. This triggers a boulder that you do not have enough time to avoid. Since there is an alternative route (the one we are following), ignore this segment of the pyramid.]

We will do a zigzag now. Take a diagonal standing jump to the left, which is on (southwest) the lower ledge of the pyramid (two blocks away). Now take a diagonal standing jump to the right (northwest) on the upper ledge of the pyramid. Again, take a diagonal standing jump to the left (southwest) on the lower ledge of the pyramid (two blocks away), then a diagonal standing jump to the right (northwest) on the upper ledge of the pyramid. Kill the giant wasp.

(Note - Again, you can avoid triggering the wasp and thus kill it before it flies down to you. Take the last standing jump from the middle of the west side of the ledge, so as to land approximately at the corner of the upper ledge on the left. Keep close to the edge of this ledge and turn to face uphill. This ledge you are standing on has two tiers. So, stand at the edge and in the middle of the right tier. Combine the Revolver or the Crossbow with the LaserSight and look uphill in a straight line. Three ledges above, you can spot the beetle lurking on a lone ledge. One explosive arrow or two revolver bullets will do the job.)

Turn to face north and climb up the next three ledges.

Take a diagonal standing jump to the northwest to land on the upper flat ledge of the pyramid. Turn left (west) and take a standing jump onto the next flat ledge. The boulder that is falling does not seem to hurt if you stand, but crouch just in case. Take a standing jump to the next flat ledge (west) and walk to the end.

Now take a running jump to land on the third square of the slope. You will start sliding down, thus reaching the bottom of the pyramid and end the level. Phew!


« Level 31: The Mastabas Index Level 33: Khufu's Queens Pyramids »

We would like to thank TR-Player and Nicky for their help. Many parts of this walkthrough would not have been written without their participation. Special thanks go to Scottlee for proofing the text.

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