Tomb Raider 7: Legend & Anniversary - MODDING, Submit your outfit

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Before sending us your mod, please consider the following:

Lara's personality: The outfit does not violate Lara's personality. Nude outfits are prohibited and will not be accepted here. Having said that, outfits that show more than what the original outfits do will be rejected without notice. For example, if you create a Bikini outfit, make sure it does not reveal parts of Lara's body that are not shown by the original Black or White Bikini. Be creative and imaginative, but within the boundaries. We all love Lara and she definitely deserves respect.

The filesize: Make sure that you send only the necessary files (the ones that are intended for your mod; outfit, level, item etc.). The Tomb Ripper users can easily see what files they send, so this applies mostly to the TexMod users who cannot see what the final TPF file includes. When you create your TPF file, make sure that the Out folder contains only the files for your mod and not unnecessary files. For example, if you mod a Dress and nothing else (no Lara's skin or gear), the TPF file cannot be 5 MB!! The more textures you include, the bigger the TPF file becomes. So, before creating your TPF file, make sure that the Out folder contains only the files for the specific mod (and not textures for other outfits).


To submit your outfit, .zip/.rar the following:

Tomb Ripper users:

• Your DDS files

• A readme.txt (Notepad) file, which will include at least the name of the outfit, your name and the name of the replaced outfit. An example of the readme.txt is:

Yellow Dress by George.
Use Tomb Rippper to replace the files.
You have to replace the Evening, Ripped dress.
Don't forget to backup first.

Additional information are welcome. You are free to write in any language you wish, but make sure that the outfit's name is in English.

Two images: Front and back side of Lara. She can be either still or in motion. You do not have to resize the images. We will do it for you. If you want a Large Preview for your outfit (click here for an example), feel free to send additional images.


TexMod users:

• Your TPF file (please, read above about the filesize).

A readme.txt (Notepad) file, which will include at least the name of the outfit, your name and the name of the replaced outfit. An example of the readme.txt is:

Yellow Dress by George
Use TexMod to run the files.

It replaces the Evening, Ripped dress.

Additional information are welcome. You are free to write in any language you wish, but make sure that the outfit's name is in English.

Two images: front and back side of Lara. She can be either still or in motion. You do not have to resize the images. We will do it for you. If you want a Large Preview for your outfit (click here for an example), feel free to send additional images.


You can either:

• Send your .zip/.rar file via mail.

• If your file is too large for email attachment, upload the .zip/.rar file on a free file hosting server and provide us the URL so we can download it. We suggest SendSpace which does not block countries and we can download at any time, but any other server could do.

Send your file or URL using the email address on our Contact Us page.

Thank you for taking the time to send us your mod. For your information, it will be uploaded as soon as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to help you.


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