» Tomb Raider 7: Legend - Unlockable Outfits
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There are 32 available outfits in Legend that you can unlock by archiving certain things. Below is a list of all outfits and what you need to do in order to unlock them.

To use an outfit, you have to replay a level (normal replay or Time Trial). During normal gameplay, you cannot change the outfit that is given.

Outfit How To
Legend Given by default when the game starts
Legend, Union Jack Find all Silver Rewards in Bolivia
Legend, Black Find all Silver Rewards in Croft Manor
Legend, Blue Find all Silver Rewards in Peru
Legend, Pink Find all Silver rewards in Ghana
Biker Given when England starts
Biker, Red Jacket Find all Silver Rewards in England
Biker, No Jacket Find all Silver Rewards & the Gold Reward in England
Evening, Ripped Given when Japan starts
Evening, Red Find all Silver Rewards in Japan
Classic Find the Gold Reward in Peru
Classic, Gray Find the Gold Reward in Ghana
Winter Given when Kazakhstan starts
Winter, No Coat Finish Kazakhstan
Winter, Orange Find all Silver Rewards in Nepal
Winter, Orange No Coat Find all Silver Rewards in Kazakhstan
Winter, Pink Complete Nepal Time Trial
Winter, Pink No Coat Complete Peru Time Trial
Cat suit Find the Gold Reward in Japan
Snowsuit Find the Gold Reward in Nepal
Suit Find the Gold Reward in Croft Manor
Suit, Cream Find all Silver Rewards and the Gold Reward in Croft Manor
Special Forces Find the Gold Reward in Nepal
Special Forces, Urban Find the Gold Reward in England
Goth Complete England Time Trial
Goth, Lace Shirt Complete Japan Time Trial
Sport Find the Gold Reward in Bolivia
Sport, Green Complete Bolivia Time Trial
Swimsuit Complete the game and all Time Trials
Swimsuit, Black Complete the game and all Time Trials
Amanda Complete Ghana Time Trial
Amanda, Winter Complete Kazakhstan Time Trial
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