» Tomb Raider Saved Games |
MAC USERS: You can find Saved Games from the excellent MacRaider website of Kerrie H Reay. |
Tomb Raider: The Atlantean Scion |
Tomb Raider Gold: The Unfinished Business |
Tomb Raider 2: The Dagger of Xian |
Tomb Raider 2 Gold: The Golden Mask |
Tomb Raider 3: Adventures of Lara Croft |
IMPORTANT: The Saved Games were made with the patched version that you can find here. The benefit of this patch is that you can copy the audio files to your HDD and eliminate any pauses in game play due to accessing the CD-ROM.
Also, the Saved Games were made with the order NEVADA - SOUTH PACIFIC - LONDON. |
Tomb Raider 4: The Last Revelation |
IMPORTANT: The Saved Games were made with the patched version that you can find here.
The complete Saved Games will be available soon. For now, you can download this Saved Game pack that includes Saved Games at the beginning of each level. |
Tomb Raider 5: Chronicles |
Tomb Raider 6: The Angel of Darkness |
MAC Saved Games: Download this file, which includes Saved Games for Louvre Storm Drains (in case you encountered a bug) and Boaz Returns.
IMPORTANT: The Saved Games were made with the v4.9 patch installed, which you can find here. |
Tomb Raider 7: Legend |
Note: The Saved Games were made without the Mansion. Once you complete the game, you will have to play Lara's Mansion. |
Download this Special Saved Game: 100% completion with all Time Trials completed and all outfits and cheats uncloked.
Tomb Raider: Anniversary |
IMPORTANT: The Saved Games were made with the European version of the game and they work with all other versions. However, the users of the unauthorized BitTorrent version will not be able to load the files.
The Artifacts and Relics you find in the game are stored in your profile. So, using a Saved Game below does not affect your personal statistics. If you want everything unlocked, download and install TombRaiderHub's profile and follow the instructions you will find in the ZIP file. |
» TombRaiderHub's profile: Download and install our profile with all Time Trials completed and all outfits and cheats uncloked. |